Hexcode Technologies.
Data is Art.

We are
Agile team of Innovative Technologists , Data Scientists and Full Stack Software developers with 15 years of Industry experience in Software Development . We located in Sunny Yangon , Myanmar. We are Extreme Programmers following Agile methodologies .
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile manifesto
Our Latest Works
AQM Tech
Development of Backend , Mobile and Web for a Insurance startup.
- Development of automated , smart insurance rule engine for preunderwriting
- Automated insurance benefits and package recommendation based on data
- CRM and Mass delivery of quation via sms
- One-Click onboarding and salse of packages
- Mobile and Web App with eKYC and Payment integration
- DevOps and CI/CD
- Technologies used: Litestar, React , React native

Ecolabs - Carbon emission report platform
Development of Data Analytics , Backend , Mobile and Web for Carbon Emission Reporting platform.
- Development of Analytics Dashboard
- Company profile reporting
- Automated Carbon scoring algorithms
- Air-Gapped Deployment
- Technologies used: React, MUI, Django

TnC Logistics
Full stack development of Easy to use logistics application platform
- Web and Mobile base delivery application
- SMS Based Signin
- Delivery POS
- Status Tracking of delivery
- Status checking via QRCode
- Scan and update status via QRCode
- Administration backend and management
- Technology used : Svelte , Litestar, Capacitorjs
- Scalable platform for Learning Management System
- One-Click Container provisioning for Moodle classes.
- Admin backend for Starting , Stoping , Snapshotting , Mounting Classroom Container Images
- Restoring of snapshotted container images
- Automated routing and proxied using Nginx.
- Data Analytics for Active student and courses done

We are the first team in Myanmar that build a Machine
Learning and Data Visualization system for Document
Classification , Clustering and content visualization.
Using It, empowers Lawyers to quickly discover
stories about huge archive of data in matter seconds. A
Complete Ediscovery platform 100% made in Myanmar!.
[Internal Application , Demo avaliable on request]
Launched : July 12 2010